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Category: The Lance and the Veil

The Lance and the Veil, an adventure in the time of Christ. “[a] richly imagined novel. … A big. bold Biblical saga to fire the Christian imagination.” — Kirkus Reviews

The Lance and the Veil: A Novel to Enhance Your Lenten Journey

The Lance and the Veil: an adventure in the time of Christ, tells the story of how Veronica and Longinus made their way to Calvary, witnessed Our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross and experienced the glory of His Resurrection. Its depiction of their journey through a sinful world to salvation is an inspiring tale that can enhance our Lenten journey from the dust of Ash Wednesday to the Redemption of Easter. Many Christians, especially Catholics, have read this book as part of their preparation for Easter. In fact, it was originally written as a Lenten companion, in 40 chapters, one for each day of Lent, each with a short reflection, and published on the website, Making Lent Meaningful.

When it came time to publish the novel in book form, I removed the reflections and had to cut two chapters due to page limitations. But, as Lent 2016 approaches, I know there will be many readers who will want to make The Lance and the Veil part of their Lenten experience. So, I’ve posted the reflections and lost chapters here.

I wish you a rich journey towards Easter. May every blessing of this holy season be yours.

“The Lance and the Veil” gets another 5 Star Review!

A pleasant surprise from a reader with the nomme de plume “Red Cat”, posted August 19th on Amazon:

“I loved this book with the central character, Veronica, as heroine. From her teen years to adulthood, I connected and empathized with her. Her journey is thrilling as the author uses great creativity and finesse to introduce well-known biblical heroes and villains. I was captivated and astonished, filled with anticipation as to whom she would meet next. Mr. Rush also invested greatly to educate the reader on all things Roman, adding vivid imagery to his story. In addition to enjoying an adventure, the reader gains an education. This is a “must read” for high school and university religious curriculum and lovers of historical fiction. 5 stars!”


Book Signing for St. Veronica’s Feast Day, July 12

Meet Kevin Rush, author of The Lance and the Veil

Sunday, July 12, at St. Theresa’s Church in Kentfield, NJ, Kevin Rush will read from his novel, The Lance and the Veil, an adventure in the time of Christ. The event will take place after the 10:30 am Mass in the Parish Bingo Hall. Coffee and donuts provided. Mr. Rush will donate a portion of sales of his book to St. Theresa’s School.

St. Theresa’s Church

541 Washington Avenue

Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033

Producer’s Endorsement of The Lance and the Veil

Ready for prime time?

I have the privilege of being on the email list for a producer in Hollywood working to establish a Christian entertainment studio. In his weekly email blast this Saturday, he mentioned The Lance and the Veil in a roundabout way, writing:

Whenever I can free a few moments, I continue to enjoy reading a book written by a friend…. It would make a tremendous multi-episode television special and subsequent streaming and DVD release. With study guides, it could also be of interest to church and Bible study groups, too.

I pray often for his success, because he is a good Christian gentleman with the utmost dedication to serving the Lord through quality, faith-based entertainment. Our work seems to have several possible points of intersection, and it would be my pleasure to work with him sometime in the future. But, if not with him, I’m confident someone in Hollywood will see the merits of Lance and Veil when it’s brought to their attention. That starts with building an audience for the novel, which I work at daily. Your help in that regard is greatly appreciated.




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