Turn your Lenten journey into the adventure of a lifetime.

This companion to The Lance and the Veil allows readers to enter more deeply into history’s greatest drama by offering reflections on each of the novel’s 38 chapters. There is also space inside for readers to keep a spiritual journal throughout the season of Lent, centered on the experiences of St. Veronica and St. Longinus, as they encounter Our Lord and have their lives changed forever. Lent is a time of renewal. The Lance and the Veil, with this series of reflections, stirs the readers’ imagination to deepen their contemplation of the mysteries of the Christian faith to gain a greater appreciation of Christ’s victory on Easter Sunday. Available on Amazon.

Sample reflections

Chapter 1:

Reflection:  We all carry wounds. As Veronica experienced shock and loss, we have traumas from our past that impinge on our present lives. They paralyze us, hold us captive and prevent us from engaging with those we love. How free we would be if we could banish the  thoughts that drag us back to those hurtful moments. This is the healing Jesus offers us. He’s come into our lives to carry that pain away. Holding onto our pain is an additional sin of pride. Let us humble ourselves before our Redeemer and concede that we need His intervention in our lives. Take our burden, Jesus. Confer on us the blessings of those who mourn and allow us to be comforted.


Chapter 2

Reflection:  The Roman conceptions of their gods as venal, jealous and manipulative, vary greatly from what Christians believe. Yet how often do I approach God as a Roman would — with fear, trepidation and suspicion — instead of being confident in His love and mercy? Perhaps it’s because I don’t spend enough time in His presence. This Lent, let me find more time for quiet devotion, so I can feel God’s love more intimately.


Chapter 3

Reflection:  How frustrating — truly infuriating — it is when someone deliberately interferes with our happiness. We can feel helpless when those in authority abuse their power, and, that helplessness can turn our anger to bitterness. It’s been said that holding onto bitterness is like eating rat poison expecting someone else to die. This Lent, let’s stop poisoning ourselves. Let us remember that Jesus told us the meek shall inherit the Earth. Let us ask Him to take the weight off our hearts and grant us the healing we so greatly need.